Term Alimony, Reimbursement Alimony, Taxability?
Alimony can be one of the more complex legal issues that accompany a divorce. Just reviewing the New Hampshire alimony statutes, RSA 458:19, and RSA 458:19-a, will make it quite clear that this is an area of divorce law that is quite complicated. Not only are there different types of alimony, term and reimbursement, but things like the length of payments, income calculations, and taxability, are all vitally important in reaching an agreement or receiving a ruling from the court.

After Divorce - Modifying or Requesting Alimony
It’s fairly common occurrence that spouses return to court over alimony matters post-divorce. A party holds the right to request alimony for up to five years from the date of divorce, even when alimony wasn’t granted in the final divorce settlement or order. Moreover, individuals frequently seek adjustments to alimony amounts due to unforeseen changes in circumstances that arose after the divorce was final. Regrettably, this situation often sparks disputes, rendering alimony modifications prone to contention and necessitating the support of legal counsel.
Spouses can modify the amount and duration of term alimony as outlined in RSA 458:19-aa. Various factors can necessitate a modification, often tied to an increase or decrease in a spouse’s income or changes in a spouses need for support. Another factor that can lead to modification is the remarriage or cohabitation of the alimony recipient. Given the significant financial implications, an experienced attorney can be a worthwhile investment.