News & Updates in Divorce Law

Updates in New Hampshire divorce law

News & Updates

Divorce and family law are constantly evolving. Each year, new cases are decided by the New Hampshire Supreme Court, which can change how divorce cases are handled. We keep up with these updates and aim to provide you with a clear overview of the most recent changes.

Property Division of Inherited WealthSeptember 30, 2024
In the this recent divorce case, the court awarded the Husband a greater share of the marital estate due to his inherited wealth, reflecting its significant contribution to financial stability.

Keeping Trust Assets out of DivorceSeptember 16, 2024
The New Hampshire Supreme Court recently reviewed a divorce case involving significant trust assets, ultimately ruling that these assets were outside the marital estate.

How Stock Options and Bonuses Impact Child SupportSeptember 9, 2024
In a recent case, In the Matter of Michael Greenberg and Anne Greenberg, the court addressed whether stock awards, similar to bonuses, should be treated as income for child support calculations.

Adultery in Same-Sex Relationships and DivorceSeptember 3, 2024
This case, In the Matter of Molly Blaisdell and Robert Blaisdell, redefines adultery in New Hampshire divorce law to include same-sex extramarital relationships, ensuring equal treatment for all married couples.

Google Meets

Schoff & Reardon now offers consultations and services over video platforms like Zoom and Google Meets. Many of our clients find that meeting over Zoom is more efficient and easier to fit into their schedules.